I love general elections. The polls, the leaflets, the policy. They are all fantastic for politics buffs like me. The CalComms team, with consultants from across the political spectrum, are all very much the same. This election we have been all out in amazingly weird and wonderful parts of the country supporting campaigns. From Shropshire to estuary Essex, Bristol to Nottingham – even a short stop off in South Wales, the CalComms team has been supporting numerous Labour and Conservative campaigns. We’ve even spent a little time with a prominent independent campaign.
We are all in different parties, but are all political activists. What better way to spend a general election?
One thing I have noticed, and it is something I very much hope becomes a reality in the next parliament. Everyone, irrespective of whether they have a red, blue or orange rosette on, is interested in just one thing; making the country better. In 2019 and 2017 I personally experienced one of the most vicious, nasty and aggressive set of campaigns.
This one is much different. It is noticeably more friendly; more decent. Maybe this is because Brexit has, by and large, been taken out of the campaign. People are genuinely talking about important issues, like climate change and taxes. It all bodes well for the return of Parliament next week.
But what kind of parliament will that be?
CalComms is the leading provider of secretariat services for All-Party Parliamentary Groups. I very much believe that the 2024-29 parliament will be the most collegiate in recent times. This means that more good work can get done, and more great policy can be delivered.
I, for one, am raring to go!
Antony Calvert is the founder and Managing Director of CalComms